Domingo Castillo
Domingo Castillo
8:00pm - 12:00am

Right now, we are searching for one special person, someone who has made a positive change in our community, someone who has gone the extra mile and made Sonoma County a better place to live. It could be a teacher who stays after school to help children read. It could be a nurse, police officer or firefighter who has saved a life. It could be someone you know that is quietly volunteering to feed the hungry or care for the less fortunate. Over the coming months we will be recognizing and honoring heroes in our community but we need your help. Nominate someone you have seen make a difference and they could be the next Hometown Hero!



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We only ask for you contact information in case we have questions about your Hometown Hero nomination. If you wish, we can keep you informed of contests and events sponsored or promoted by Redwood Empire Stereocasters. Redwood Empire Stereocasters will not sell, rent or in any way distribute personal information supplied to us by you. The information you provide us stays with Redwood Empire Stereocasters only.

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